Caching server lookups

There are two schemes for loading machines into the console: they may be cached, or loaded dynamically each time from the cloud. Although a dynamic load is useful for inventories representing short-lived or often-updated manifests (such as an auto-scaling group), in most cases, caching is preferable.

To cache the servers in a given inventory, enter the console and navigate to your desired namespace, and then hit save. To reload (should you wish to update your manifest), hit reload, and then save again.

# caching
> bcome path:to:your:inventory
> save

# reloading
> bcome path:to:your:inventory
> reload
> save

When an inventory is cached it will populate a separate config file, machines-cache.yml in your Bcome configuration directory.

Note that you can only cache nodes within an inventory, and not within sub-selected inventories.

Cached inventories will cause a small change to your networks.yml file - your cached inventory will have been marked with the ‘load_machines_from_cache’ flag, as illustrated in the following example:

  :description: Parent Collection
  :type: collection
    :type: ec2
    :credentials_key: youraccount

  :description: Us East 1
  :type: inventory
    :provisioning_region: us-east-1
  :load_machines_from_cache: true

  :description: US East 2
  :type: inventory
    :provisioning_region: us-west-1

Set this value to false or remove the key to unset caching.