
A common requirement is the need to manage machines that have not yet had their configuration applied, i.e. machines that require bootstrapping.

Bcome comes with a bootstrap mode that allows you to define alternative SSH connection configurations.

Consider a simple inventory, as follows, and note the bootstrap_settings block:

  :description: "A basic inventory"
  :type: inventory

    :type: ec2
    :credentials_key: awsreferencekey
    :provisioning_region: us-east-1

        - "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
      :timeout_in_seconds: 10

      :ssh_key_path: path/to/your/private/key.pem"
      :user: username
      :bastion_host_user: ubuntu # optional

By default all SSH connectivity would be determined by the ssh_settings block, whilst in bootstrapping mode, SSH connectivity would be determined by the bootstrap_settings block.

See here for how to use bootstrapping from your Bcome shell: Bootstrapping mode