Proxied connections

Proxied connections are where you connect to you instances via some kind of SSH proxy, i.e. through a jump box.

Your normal means of initiating an SSH connection could look something like this:

> ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p user@jumpboxhost" user@internalhost

by hostname or ip

Let’s assume you have a single inventory setup specify your proxy by its hostname or ipaddress:

Your networks.yml would look something like this:

  :description: My inventory
  :type: inventory
    :type: ec2
    :credentials_key: awsreferencekey
    :provisioning_region: us-east-1

    :instance-state-name: running

      :host_lookup: by_host_or_ip
      :host_id: ""
      - "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
    :timeout_in_seconds: 10

To initiate connections using a different jump box user, you would modify your ssh_settings block as follows:

    :host_lookup: by_host_or_ip
    :host_id: ""
    :bastion_host_user: "someotherusername"
   - "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
 :timeout_in_seconds: 10

You may also specify a different username for the internal host as follows:

 :user: "someotherusername"
   :host_lookup: by_host_or_ip
   :host_id: ""
   :bastion_host_user: "someotherusername"
   - "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
 :timeout_in_seconds: 10

by reference to a bcome instance

You can also proxy your SSH connections by reference to another Bcome instance, for example:

   :host_lookup: by_bcome_namespace
   :namespace: "inventory:servername"
   - "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
 :timeout_in_seconds: 10

Note that when specifying a reference Bcome namespace, the highest-level namespace is implicit in the host_lookup declaration.