Command Menu

Bcome has a series of in-built commands that can be executed within your namespaces.

Within any given namespace, invoke menu to pull up the available in-built commands.


When in Keyed-Access mode (see: Navigation) command parameters are whitespace rather than comma-delineated as they are for Console mode.

For a guide to executing commands, see Executing Commands.

All in-built commands are described below:

Command lists

command description namespace availability
menu Returns a list of all the in-built commands available at the current namespace. All
registry Returns a list of all the custom commands configured to be available at the current namespace. All

Selection Commands

command description namespace availability
workon identifier1, identifier2

Work on specific namespaces only, inactivating all others from the selection.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.
enable identifier1, identifier2

Re-enable a namespace within the namespace.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.
disable identifier1, identifier2

Remove a namespace from the selection.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

Enable all namespaces within the selection.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

Disable all namespaces within the selection.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

A shortcut available in Keyed Access mode only when traversing namespaces.

e.g. bcome foo:bar:first:command

Keyed-access only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

SSH Commands

command description namespace availability
ping Test connectivity against all servers in the selection. All
run command1, command2 Execute a command to be run against all servers contained in the selection. All
interactive Access an interactive ssh pseudo-shell allowing you to execute commands against all servers that are children or grandchildren of the current namespace. All
tunnel local port, destination port

Create a Tunnel over SSH

Transparently bypasses proxies.

pseudo_tty command Invoke a pseudo-tty session. Server
execute_script path/to/bash/script Execute a local bash-script over ssh against all servers in the selection. All
ssh identifier Ssh to a server Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.
ssh Ssh to a server Server

File & script commands

command description namespace availability
put local/path, /remote/path Upload a file (or directory, recursively) over SCP to all servers in the selection. All
rsync local/path /remote/path Upload a file (or directory, recursively) over rsync (faster) to all servers in the selection. All
put_str “string contents” /remote/path Write a file /to/remote/path to all servers in the selection from a String. All
get /remote/path Download a file or directory. Server


command description namespace availability

List all child namespaces.

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

List all active child namespaces

See Selection Commands

Console only

Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.
tree Print a tree view of all child namespaces and their sub-namespaces. Collection, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.

List all Metadata available to the current namespace.

See: :doc: ../metadata/metadata-commands for working with metadata.

tags List all cloud provider tags/labels associated with the server(s) Server, Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory, Merged Inventory.
routes Print SSH routing tree. All


command description namespace availability
reload Re-populate an inventory from its source, e.g. reload all servers from within an inventory from its remote cloud. Inventory, Sub-selected Inventory

Save a local copy of an inventory.

The cache is saved as a static manifest. (see: Static manifests)

To disable the Cache, remove the static manifest.
