Internal Scripts

Ruby scripts that run inside the context of your installation are referred to as internal scripts, and are loaded as extensions to the framework.

Internal scripts are always invoked in the context of a namespace and can be configured to accept arguments (for integration, see Registry Overview).

Getting started

Ensure that you have an ‘orchestration’ directory within your project’s ‘bcome’ directory, as follows:

└── project
    └── bcome
        └── orchestration

Any Ruby files placed in the ‘orchestration’ directory will be loaded into the project.

A basic orchestration script

All internal scripts are ruby classes that inherit from Bcome::Orchestration::Base and have a public method named execute that takes no parameters.

module ::Bcome::Orchestration
  class MyinternalScript < Bcome::Orchestration::Base

    def execute
       # @node = the namespace context
       # @arguments = An argument Hash


The namespace context in which the internal script was called is available to you in the form of an instance variable named @node.

See Executing Commands for invoking commands and Command Menu for a list of commands.

If arguments have been provided, they are available as a Hash from an instance variable named @arguments.


To integrate your internal script into your installation, you must add it to The Registry. See Registry Overview and Registry method types.

For a guide, see Internal Script Integration Guide.

Invoking internal scripts from within another

You can trigger an orchestration klass from within another (or in any context within Bcome).

Here’s how:

script =, arguments)

Where node is an instance of a namespace.

Traversing namespaces

An internal script is not restricted to the namespace context in which it is called - you may traverse contexts if you know the namespace breadcrumb.

For example, given a namespace referenced by ‘my:other:inventory’, you may load it as follows:

orchestrator = ::Bcome::Orchestrator.instance
node = orchestrator.get("my:other:inventory")

Note that the parent root namespace key is implicit.

Some additional useful functions

Prompt for a metadata decryption key:


Silence command output:


Initiate an SSH connection to all server instances within a given namespace (rather than lazy-load them):

# with a progress bar
::Bcome::Ssh::Connector.connect(namespace, show_progress: true)

# without a progress bar
::Bcome::Ssh::Connector.connect(namespace, show_progress: false)