

SSH Connections may be tested with Bcome’s ping command.

For each server in scope the connection will be tested and a status (containing the server’s connection configuration) returned.

The returned status will look like this:

"your_estate:an_inventory:some_server" => {
  "connection" => "success",
  "ssh_config" => {
      :user    => "guillaume",
      :timeout => 1,
      :proxy   => [
        [0] {
          :host_lookup => "by_bcome_namespace",
          :namespace   => "your_inventory:a_jump_host",
          :proxy_host  => "12.345.678.90",
          :user        => "guillaume"


Failed connections will be coloured red, and successful ones green. Each is marked with a connection status of “failed” or “success” respectively.


Let’s imagine you have Namespaces laid out in the following parent-child relationship:

└── parent
    └── child1
    └── child2

And let’s assume that ‘child1’ and ‘child2’ are inventories containing servers.

Ping all the servers within your Estate

bcome ping

Ping all the servers within a given inventory

bcome child1:ping

Ping an individual server within a given inventory

bcome child2:your_server:ping

Ping from the Bcome Console

bcome child1


Bcome caches all SSH connections, with the exception of those made during a Ping.