Monkey Patches

The Bcome framework may be extended by applying a monkey patch.

To create a patch ensure you have a ‘patches’ directory, as follows:

└── project_directory
    └── bcome
        └── patches

Any Ruby file placed into ‘patches’ with a .rb extension will be loaded into the framework.

As an example, to add a method named ‘foo’ that returns ‘bar’ onto a GCP server, create a file called my_patch.rb and place it into the patches directory:

└── project
    └── bcome
        └── patches
            └── my_patch.rb

Within it add the following code:

class Bcome::Node::Server::Dynamic::Gcp
  def foo
    puts "bar"

All GCP server instances would now be patched with the new ‘foo’ method.

See here for Bcome’s github source.